How to stop self-sabotaging your success.

Whether it’s stopping ourselves succeeding in our professional or private lives, we are often our own biggest obstacles on the path to success. We know what we should be doing but for some reason we just don’t do it.

So why do we self-sabotage in the first place?

More often than not, it comes down to an unrealised and unexamined belief that we are not good enough or worthy of success in certain areas of our lives.

Self-sabotage is a defense-mechanism and it prevents us from experiencing something which we fear might harm us. Failure and rejection are obvious fears, however, the idea of success can also prove to be overwhelming in some instances.

It is our comfort zone which is telling us that it doesn’t want to make that change. When things start to leave the comfort zone (even if it’s an improvement) our subconscious tells us to do whatever is necessary to go back to the familiar and safe homeostasis.


The results you have in every area of your life are regulated like a thermostat and if you want to boost your thermostat you’ll first have to find out what defines your upper boundaries aka your limiting beliefs.

What can we do about it?

You must first address why it is you don’t think you are worthy of accomplishing certain things.

Start by picking the area of your life which you sabotage the most. It could be related to either business, relationships or your health.

Do now: Spend a couple of minutes writing down every association you can think of with whatever you are self-sabotaging. For example, thinking that if you earn more money, then it means you’re greedy or if you start exercising, it’s going to result in discomfort and sacrifice.

Next: Then you have to enquire deep into those associations, the ones that are most likely to hold you back. Take a moment and consider the possible counter examples which might exist.

For instance, eating healthy doesn’t mean you’ll feel hungry and deprived, and waking up early doesn’t mean you’ll be miserable but rather energised.

NextWrite down a more true belief that would be empowering. For example, pursuing money blindly could lead to unhappiness but pursuing it with an aim to help others could not only bring more joy to your life but also to others.

FinallyCreate incentives that push you. Commit to something that you have to do on a regular basis.

Takeaway: Self-sabotage needn’t be something negative. Instead see it as a wise inner voice just waiting to be heard.

If you would like some help with this issue, then check out the Trainer+ Premium Package. I offer effective support programs to people who would like overcome their self-sabotaging tendencies and get back on track so they can achieve the goals most important to them. To find out more just get in touch!

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